4 Secrets Of A Successful Sales Page - christycegelski.com

4 Secrets Of A Successful Sales Page

I’ve been working on a ton of sales pages and email sequences over the last few months for clients in preparation for their Fall launches.

So, I thought it would be helpful to share my top 4 secrets of a successful sales page so that if you’re planning on launching anything in the near future, you’ll know exactly how to write sales page copy that…

✓Is persuasive

✓Grabs your readers’ attention

✓Inspires action

Short-form sales page or long-form sales page…what’s the difference? 

So, a short-form sales page is shorter (obviously), and its more appropriate for product-based offers or offers with a lower price tag and require little to no commitment on the part of your buyer.

Now a long-form sales page works best when you have to do a little more convincing to make the sale…

For example, 

  • When your audience isn’t super familiar with you or your services or
  • When your program has a higher price tag or
  • When there’s a time commitment attached and/or a lot of different aspects to your program


Sales Page Secret #1: KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. 

In order to write copy that connects with your dream clients, you need to be crystal clear on who they are and what specific problems they’re having that your product or program solves for them.

Once you understand what challenges your dream clients are facing and what they’re hoping for in terms of a solution, you can get really specific in your copy to address those things…

So much so, that they’ll feel like you’re inside their heads-which is the goal.

You want them to feel like you get it, you’ve been there, and you can help them fix it.

Sales Page Secret #2: FOCUS ON THE BENEFITS.

I’m guessing the features vs. benefits debate isn’t completely new to you but I just wanted to make it clear that it IS important to spend some time talking about the specifics of what your program has to offer in terms of modules, teachable materials, support, bonuses, etc…

BUT your audience cares more about what your program or service is going to do for them. 

So, you want to spend more time writing copy that shows how it’ll make them feel and encourage them to imagine being in that space.

Let’s say for example, you’re a fitness coach and you’re selling a 3-month weight loss program instead detailing every feature of your meal plans or workouts (or even the weightloss—which is technically a benefit)…

Talk about how confident they’re going to feel at the end of your time together; or how exciting it’ll be to enjoy shopping for clothes that are a size or two smaller; or how proud they’ll feel when they can run 3 miles without stopping.

Sales Page Secret #3: CREATE A SENSE OF URGENCY.

You might think it’s difficult to create a sense of urgency unless you’re doing a live launch where there’s a deadline for the cart to close but time-based urgency is only one way of doing things.

You can also create a sense of urgency in an evergreen program or product by offering time-sensitive discounts or bonuses.

The thing is, nobody wants to feel like they’re missing out, so having some sort of limit on your offer–whether it’s limited availability or certain benefits only being available for a limited time you’re giving a compelling reason to buy NOW.

And that will increase your conversion rates.


Having multiple calls to action makes it super easy for people to purchase – that’s what it’s all about.

You don’t want your readers to have to scroll all the way back to the beginning or all the way to the end of your sales page to try and find the BUY BUTTON (especially if you’re using a long-form sales page.)

It’s also really important to vary the wording on your CTAs and use words that inspire action.

So, instead of saying, ENROLL HERE or BUY NOW in every CTA. Make your CTAs more specific by changing them up and using powerful language…

CTAs like, I NEED THIS! Or I’M READY TO…(insert your promise)

If you want to take the guesswork out of writing a high-converting sales page without the done-for-you price tag…

I put together a sales page template bundle that includes:

  • A swipe file for a long-form sales page that you can literally copy, paste, and customize for your own offer or launch AND
  • A wireframe for how each section of copy should be laid out on your sales page–it’s basically a visual outline so if you’re gonna DIY it, you know exactly what it should look like 

You can grab that bundle for $27 (which is literally thousands less than it costs to have me write your sales page from scratch and have it designed.) 





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