5 Easy Ways To Create Copy They Can't Wait To Read - christycegelski.com

5 Easy Ways To Create Copy They Can’t Wait To Read

According to the marketing gurus of the world wide web, you have about 7-8 seconds to grab someone’s attention when they visit your website. Yikes! It’s hard enough to get your ideal client to check out your website in the first place, so once they get there, the last thing you want is for them to lose interest and click away.

If you want to prevent your audience from scrolling and clicking, it’s important to keep their eyes on your content. Breaking up the copy on your website and in your blog posts makes them more visually appealing, easier to read, and entices your readers to stick it out until the end. Check out these five simple tips to make your copy stand out so people can’t wait to read it:

  1. Create Bulleted Or Numbered Lists – People love lists! They catch the readers’ attention, organize the information presented and make for an easy reading experience.
  2. Write Shorter Paragraphs – Let’s face it, lengthy paragraphs tend to make your eyes glaze over…am I right? Your audience is no different. Shorter paragraphs actually encourage the reader to finish reading your article or post they know they know they won’t have to invest too much time to get through it.
  3. Use Headings & Subheadings– Using headings and subheadings to tease a paragraph’s content draws attention and piques curiosity. This makes your reader want to get the details.
  4. Use A Different Typeface For Emphasis Where Appropriate – I want to stress the “where appropriate” part, mmkay? But seriously, try a different font, boldface, italics or all caps for emphasis WHERE APPROPRIATE (see what I did there?) When you emphasize certain words or ideas in your writing as you would in your speech, it creates a conversational tone that pulls the reader in.

If you’re having trouble getting in the flow with blogging for your business (or if you’re avoiding it altogether) reach out to me! I can do a blog audit and make suggestions on things you might want to change to make blogging for your business more effective. christycegelski@gmail.com


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